I was wondering if someone could explain why the Playstation store's auto download never works correctly for me.
I've pre ordered 3 games on PSN for conveniences sake in the last year, and each one of those times the auto download option I selected for pre load did not work correctly.
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It was kind of a bummer coming home from work, expecting to be able to play Bloodborne, but instead having to watch Sony's slow download speeds crawl across the screen.
I checked my MGS V pre order to see if it had the same problem, low and behold, it wasn't working as advertised.
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Anyone else have this problem or know why it hasn't worked for me?
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I put the PS4 in Rest Mode.is it still downloading? I have all the settings correct for Rest Mode downloads and I do get updates.The orange. Downloads only stop for me when I start up a game or get online services such as netflix.