The 7 Days To Die server hosting packages tend to be a little more pricey than other games. This is down to the additional resources needed to make the game server run. It hogs more on the physical machine it is hosted on than other games.
Server tools for 7 days to die dedicated servers
Go to the releases tab and check for the latest files
- A WPF utility application for managing the XML files associated with the 7 Days to Die dedicated server. DISCLAIMER- Neither this application nor the developer is in any way associated with 7 Days to Die.
- Aug 1, 2018 - A 7 Days to Die Dedicated Server is used for playing with multiple people in the same world. Servers can be hosted by yourself, as well as by a.
Download and extract the files.
Copy the Mods and 7DaysToDieServer_Data folder to the root installation directory of your server.
Start the server.
The mod will auto create the config file in the game installation directory.
Enable each part of the mod you want via ..your server installation directoryServerToolsServerToolsConfig.xml
Once a module is enabled, if it has a config it will auto create them in the ServerTools folder.
# Current-Tools-and-Features
Anti Cheat: Multiple tools available to deal with cheaters. Automatically detects and deals with them. Customizable
Other Tools
Admin_List: Displays the current online admins and moderators
Animal_Tracking: Use chat command /track to spawn an animal in game near by for players to hunt
Auction: Place items up for auction for other players to buy
Auto_Backup: Back up your world save files automatically to a zip file. Set the destination or leave default
Auto_Save_World: Starts a world save in game
Auto_Shutdown: Set the time your server will run before it shuts down automatically. Does not auto restart
Bad_Word_Filter: Filters bad words and symbols of your choice from chat and player names
Bank: Store your in game coins in the bank for safe keeping. Transfer between accounts or convert to wallet coins
Bloodmoon: Remind players of the upcoming bloodmoon periodically and when they join the server
Bounties: Set bounties on each other for PvP play. The killers are awarded wallet coins and can get on kill streaks where they gain a bounty against them
Break_Reminder: Periodically remind all players to take a break with a custom message of your choice
Chat_Color_Prefix: Control the in game chat colors for admins, moderators, reserved players, special players, clans and anyone else you want to customize. Allows for a special prefix and color for each group and limitless groups and combinations possible
Chat_Flood_Protection: Protects the chat from spam by limiting the length of a message and how many can be sent in a single minute
Chat_Logger: Log all chat from players and commands used for review
Clan_Manager: Let players create clans which add tags to their names in chat and to talk to each other as a group
Country_Ban: Control what countries a player may reside in. Checks their ip against known ISO country codes. Kicks banned countries
Credentials: Checks the i.p. address and steam id supplied by the player upon joining as valid or not
Custom_Commands: Create your own custom commands that trigger unlimited console commands with custom delays and costs to use
Day7: Lets players check for the upcoming bloodmoon, current server fps, current zombie and animal numbers
Death_Spot: If a player dies, they will be offered a return command upon respawn to teleport them back to their death spot
Dupe_Log: Monitors player inventory and reports duplicates in a log. This does not mean they duped the items but gives a report for review
Entity_Cleanup: Allows removal of specific objects such as falling trees and blocks or minibikes
First_Claim_Block: Allows players to spawn a claim block through a chat command but only once
FPS: Set the target fps for your server. They are default locked for console operations. Recommend setting at least 60
Friend_Teleport: Players can list online friends and their entityId so they can send a request to teleport to them. The friend must accept it first
Gimme: Make a list of items players can periodically spawn an item from. Set a delay so players get a gift for continued play
God_And_Flight_Detector: Detects users using god mode and no clip flight mode. Automatically bans them within .5 seconds of enabling it
Hardcore: Players have limited lives available and if they lose them all, their character is kicked and deleted. Roguelike game play
Hatch_Elevator_Detector: Detects players that use hatch elevators. Automatically breaks their legs and stuns them when detected
High_Ping_Kicker: Detects users with an overly high ping and kicks them from the server
Hordes: Automatically checks how many active zombies are alive and spawns a horde randomly if too few zombies alive
Info_Ticker: Create a list of rotating messages displayed to players periodically. Set to display chronologically or randomly
Invalid_Item_Kicker: Monitors players inventory for items listed as invalid. Create a custom list of forbidden items. Optionally detects items marked dev or none for creativemode in the items.xml. Optionally checks secureloot for invalid items and removes them
Jail: Send players to jail where they are stuck in a specific location. Traveling too far from it teleports them back and optionally shocks them for attempting to leave
Kick_Vote: Players can open a vote to kick a player from the server. Set the players needed online and to vote yes
Kill_Notice: Display an alert in chat of a player on player kill showing the weapon used by the killer
Lobby: Players can teleport to the lobby area and optionally return
Location: Displays the current player location via chat command
Login_Notice: Set custom messages for players entering the server
Logs: Logs of cheaters, detection, events and chat are all kept for a limited time and automatically removed based on your setting
Lottery: Players can start a gambling lottery that randomly picks a winner on draw
Market: Players can teleport to the market area and optionally return
Motd: Message of the day will display when players first join the server. Optionally on respawn
Mute_Vote: Players can open a vote to mute player from the server. Set the players needed online and to vote yes
New_Player: Set a custom message displayed when a new player joins the server
New_Spawn_Tele: Set a location new players will teleport to upon first joining the server
Night_Alert: Displays an alert to how long before night
Night_Vote: Players can open a vote to skip the night on the server. Set the players needed online and to vote yes
Normal_Player_Name_Coloring: A Players chat, where they are not on the chat color prefix list, will have their chat color set to this
Player_List: Shows the current online players and entity id in chat
Player_Logs: Monitors and logs players inventory. Optionally their position and if dead or alive
Player_Stat_Check: Monitors player stats for improper values for height, speed, jump strength, health and stamina
Private_Message: Allows players to send private messages to each other
Real_World_Time: Periodically displays the real world time in chat
Report: Allows players to send a report to all online admins and to a report log for later review
Reserved_Slots: Set players for reserved slots to help them get in your server. If the server is full, if reserved it will allow you to stay and kick one person if not. Optionally controlled by session time to help rotate new players. None reserved must reach the session time before kick due to a full server
Restart_Vote: Players can open a vote to restart the server. Set the players needed online and to vote yes. Alerts an admin if they are online instead of opening the vote
Session: Logs the length of player play time. Responds in chat with the totals
Set_Home: Set locations as home points inside claimed space for teleport. Second location optional. Reserved only optional
Shop: Setup a list of categories and items for each that players can buy
Starting_Items: Spawns a list of items for a new player when they first join the server
Stopserver: Stop the server by alerting the players and automatically saving the world to prevent data loss
Stuck: Lets players that are stuck, teleport to the surface. Checks if truly stuck. Not full proof
Suicide: Players can kill their character at will
Tracking: Logs player locations and the item they were holding at the time. Check who has traveled through an area based on time and range from your location or a specified one
Travel: Setup locations players can stand and type /travel to teleport to a specified location
Vehicle_Teleport: Players can set one of each vehicle type to them self and teleport them near by if they are found close enough
Voting: Players can vote for their favorite server, yours of course and then receive a reward in game you setup as a list of items or as an entity spawn such as a loot crate
Wallet: Enables a digital wallet that players receive coin in for killing zombies and players or lose value for dying. Set the values received for each action. Set if players lose it all on death. Use wallet coins for optional command costs
Watchlist: Set a list of suspicious players you want admins to receive an alert to when online
Waypoints: Players can save, name and delete custom waypoints for teleport but it must not be inside a claimed space
7 Days To Die Dedicated Server Download 2017
Weather_Vote: Players can open a vote to change the weather on the server. Set the players needed online and to vote yesWorld_Radius: Controls the amount of blocks from center of the map a player can travel before being teleport back. Optional reserved player distance can be set larger for special area only for donors
Zone: Create zones that give messages, apply console commands upon entering, remove zombies that enter it or create PvE spaces that do not allow PvP without automatic detection and punishment to the killer. Victims are offered teleport back to their death spot
A WPF utility application for managing the XML files associated with the 7 Days to Die dedicated server
DISCLAIMER-Neither this application nor the developer is in any way associated with 7 Days to Die.While the application has been designed to deal with your sensitive server files reliably,it is USE AT YOUR OWN RISK and I cannot be held responsible for any ill effects that come from using it.This would likely be most notable if the developers were to remove settings that if present cause the server to crash,or were to alter the allowed values of a setting to where presenting the older value causes the server to crash.In either case, manually editing the setting should restore the server functionality.I use the program myself and will update it if I see any oddities as future server versions come out.
Using Seven Days Configuration UI is meant to be simple. The idea is that you load up your configuration file and edit your settings through an informative UI, then save when it is all correct. The XML write is done in such a way that any regrouping or reordering you might have done should be fine and preserved when the file is rewritten.
If at any time you have questions on what an item does, hover your mouse over it. A tool tip will show with the original developer text as well as any (mostly) helpful information I had to offer, whenever possible. Note that some of the tool tip descriptions may describe settings that I have improved upon for the UI. For instance, you may see something like 0 = easy, but also see 'Easy' in the drop down list and not '0'. This is because I am doing the interpretation behind the scenes, but wanted to stay true to the idea of showing the original developer text.
Note that the application will automatically remember the last files you've looked up (browse). If 'n/a' appears, no file path has yet been set. If a message other than the file path or 'n/a' appears, the application was not able to resolve the file path you are saving, or the one you have saved.
The UI controls are mostly self-validating. In the case where free text is allowed, and the value is required, a dialog is shown warning you, the field will be highlighted in red, and you will not be able to save until the error is corrected.
Any time a file is saved, it is then reloaded into the UI. The message in the status does not reflect the reload. This is intentional.
The Tabs
Note - No changes will ever effect the files until the user clicks save at the top of the UI. They may move through the tabs freely, and even view steam profiles (from within the app ;)) without losing your work. However, most of the saves to the user settings are done silently, though if appropriate, will notify the user in the status bar when they occur.
Configuration:This set of tabs is pretty straight forward. The UI elements correspond to a property of the selected configuration file. Direct binding of the ui elements to the source data ensures validation. In code, all abstracted values, such as 0 = easy are handled by enumeration. These enumerations contain a directive that adds a property 'description', which can be used as either the xml value, or simply the select box display value. This was pretty handy for processing and should be easy to adapt if values change in updates.
7 Days To Die Dedicated Server Download
The tab has two sub-tabs that group the configuration file properties into two sections. Those that apply to the server such as what your telnet password is, and those that apply to the game, like how long is day.
Administration:The operation of this section is a little less straight forward. The system is simple, but requires some knowledge of how it works to get the most from it.
First, there is a finite list of commands that are allowed to be executed in the in-game console. To these, permissions can be assigned as an integer value. If the player has a permission level value that is equal to or less that the value of the permission, the player may execute the command.
Second, the system allow for groups. I am not sure if the permission levels are really any different. Placing a player in the Admin role, then giving them a permission level of 999 (basically no permissions) would make them a poor admin, but is probably allowed.
So, I think you will need to apply your own ranking system and set ranges according to how you think they will best apply.
For example, you may allow admins to do everything, so they can have a narrow range. We will say they are level 0. Moderators might have greater range. So you may have a chief moderator who can also do everything. You would want to give him a 1, and set all permissions to level 1. Then admins and the chief are both covered. Then you can begin allowing less dangerous commands to be run by others who have a higher moderator rank (which is actually less permissive).
The admin tab is divided again into two sub-tabs.
Permissions:Default commands:The default commands offered in the admin file when the dedicated server is installed (by default), and the commands that are currently active in the loaded admin file. Items can be removed from and added to the default list. The default list will be persistent and new commands found in an admin file will be added automatically. The list will have a filter to hide items that are already in the current command list.
Current Commands:In the list of current commands, you can assign their permission level though an integer up/down control. Items not already in the current list can be placed there by drag/drop.
Users Tab:A list of default users is maintained by the system (in user setting). It will be populated by any new users encountered in an admin file, or by adding a user through the UI. Users can also be removed. Only their steam ID is stored, which is public information. Loading data into a 'SteamUser' object is two phase. First, the steamID and read in from user settings, or an admin file. This is done async, so when the operation calls back, the command to get the steam data for the ID on the object is called. This means that this app hits steam quite a bit and I might hit a cap. We will see. I have a fix planned, but I'm dragging it out because this is much more flexible.
The user tab is conditioned in such a way that only one list may have a selection in it at a time. This is done so that delete can be pressed and it not be a nightmare to figure out what they want deleted. Also, I was considering making the list box tiles all selected all the time for appearance, because in this design there is not reason to select an item, other than possibly to delete it. (drag does not require a selection)
Items may only be dragged from the user list to another list. Deleted on lists other than users only effect that collection. Or to say, if I delete from the admin column, I have not deleted him as a user. Hoever, If I delete him from admin, then from users, I have permanantly deleted them. I also prompt before the permanent delete is allowed.
7 Days To Die Server Download
Adding Users:I really wanted to be able to allow the user to search for a Steam player by name, then select them from a list of candidates, but the API does not allow it. However, admins like myself have been obtaining them from logs or 7DaysToDieServerManagerV2(By FrontRunnerTek), so we get by. What I am able to do is verify the guy for you. Enter the SteamID(64), verify, save. If the id is not in the right format, or errors on request, you will not be allowed to save. This makes the software really web dependant, but it will be running on servers, after all.
7 Days To Die Dedicated Server Steamcmd
Plans for backups:I have not started coding this yet, but it's a no brainer. I have lost my configs several times due to patches. And again, while it is not hard to keep a backup nearby, meh, it's for me in the first place (fun little tinker project) and the world second. Over-codeing for an already easy task is after all, what I'm doing. A friend at work also suggested that it could be used to toggle the game between two different configurations pretty quickly for running events and such, so it's going to happen for the config file for sure. There is less need to back up the admin files, as they seem to survive the patches better, but I'll already have the system in place and... 'who know?' is why we back up anyway.